Community Covenant Church
exalt christ,
embrace community,
extend compassion.
Community Covenant Church
Worship Service
Sundays at 10:15 AM CT
Sunday School for all ages 9:00 AM
Our sermon is also recorded and later posted on our Church website, Youtube Channel, and Facebook page for those who are unable to join us in person.
We'd love to have you join us!
122 S Main Street PO Box 278 Upsala, MN 56384

about us
Our Vision
Planted in the tri-county area,
committed to the truth of God's word,
and the call to be His people,
Community Covenant Church
will see lives transformed by the Gospel
as corporately and individually the
Church Family
Exalts Christ in all things,
Embraces Community through all times,
and Extends Compassion to all people,
both across the street and around the world.
Our church has a membership to RightNow Media which gives all of you online access to an enormous library of Bible studies and videos that will encourage the entire family in their faith journey.
To create your family's free account click here. Once you've activated your account you can sign in on any smart device (TV, computer, tablet, cell phone, etc...) to watch any of the videos in their library.
We even have a tab that is videos our church recommends, so if sorting through all that content is too much, check out our carefully curated content. We hope you are blessed by it and make good use of it!