Wednesday Night Meals
When Adventure Land and J Team start up we offer Wednesday night meals that begin at 6:00pm. This is a great time to enjoy a home cooked meal and a time in fellowship. There are sign-up sheets at church to bring an item for the meal, to help serve the meal or to help set up tables and chairs to prepare for it.
ignite student ministry
Ignite Student Ministry is for youth in grades 7-12 to be in community with each other while fanning the flame of their faith. We hope to ignite a passion for God's Word and for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in every teen!
Sunday SChool
All Ages are welcome to join us on Sunday Mornings at 9:00am.
Our 3yr olds - 6th graders are working their way through the Bible with "The Gospel Project". We offer Confirmation for 7th-8th graders. 9th-12th Graders will be going through Right Now Media programs. And then we offer an adult Sunday school which will be going over the book, "Radical" by David Platt.
Adventure Land & J Team
Adventure Land is for infants 0-Pre-school aged children. J Team is for children going into Kindergarten- 6th grade. Our mission is to make little disciples of Jesus that know God's word, experience Christ's love, and share their time, talent, and treasures. Adventure Land meets in the Nursery and J Team will meet in the Sanctuary and Great Room.
men's bible study
All men are welcome to join the ongoing bible study that meets every other Monday at 8:00 PM. We study lots of great things, and enjoy coffee and fellowship. Currently we are meeting at church in the Great Room. Contact the office for more info if you are interested.