Everyone needs a spiritual home. A place where they can sense the presence of God and feel free to worship Him. A place to celebrate His goodness in our lives and seek His wisdom when we lack understanding.
For more than 100 years (since 1888) the Community Covenant Church of Upsala has provided such a place for people of all ages. A place for people who desire spiritual growth and direction in their lives, who encourage and support one another in their walk of faith.
At Community Covenant Church, we are a gathering of people committed to scriptural values. Imitators of God, not content with the “appearances” of church conformity, but responsibly drawn to confront the real issues of life in order to help bring healing to people injured by a broken world. We believe there is blessing in an authentic environment where people come to know the love, acceptance and forgiveness that Jesus has to offer.
It sounds very much like family, doesn’t it?
It is, and we’d like to welcome you to come and be a part of our church family.
We are committed to the truth of God's Word and the call to be his people. Community Covenant Church will see lives transformed by the gospel as the church family exalts Christ in all things, embraces community through all times, and extends compassion to all people, both across the street and around the world.