Get Involved
We have a lot of opportunities for you to get involved by serving with others in our various ministries. Here are some examples of how you can get connecting through volunteering:
Teach Sunday School to kids, youth, or adults
Help prepare or serve the Community Meal or other meals
Become a greeter/usher for Sunday mornings
Join us on Work Day in serving our community
Leading games for children or youth
Join a worship team
Join the sound booth team
Serve in the nursery
Read the Scripture passage up front for the Worship Service
Lead a small group at Ignite or J-Team
Join one of the Ministry Teams to find out what need there are and how you can help
Help setup and decorate for special events
And much more!
If any of these things sparks joy in your life, reach out and let us know so we can help get you involved in what God is doing here!

God's church is much more than just an hour on Sunday mornings. There are opportunities throughout the week where you can grow in relationships with other people. Volunteering is one great way, but if you want to something more we have several Bible Studies and Community Life Groups you can join. Contact the church office if you'd like to find out more.
More info on Community Life Groups and Bible Studies will be coming to the website soon!