Guidelines for In-Person Worship:
When you join us in-person for worship on Sunday mornings here's a look at what to expect from us:
We have added hand sanitizer stations in several places around the church. Hand washing is encouraged.
We spend a lot more time cleaning the church thoroughly during the week so that when you visit everything will be clean for you. We have been sanitizing bathrooms, doorknobs, light switches, railings and countertops every week. If you see Zac, give him a big thank you for his hard work this year! We have placed Clorox wipes in the bathroom in case a surface has been used during the service; these are for your convenience, so feel free to use them as needed.
An offering drop box is located at the back of the Sanctuary near the double-doors. You may put your offering in the basket on the way into worship. We also provide secure online giving if you'd like to donate electronically.
Bulletins are located on a table in the back of the Sanctuary. There will be a ushers near the table if you need any assistance
The nursery is open. We've made a few changes to do our best at making it a safe environment for those little ones. As the kids are checked-in we will have them wash their hands or sanitize (parent's choice) and some of the toys that are harder to clean have been put away for now. We hope this ministry will be a blessing to parents!
We are using pre-packaged single-serve communion elements. On the Sundays we have communion they will be on the Communion table in front and on a table in the back of the Sanctuary for those who prefer, please take one from that back table as you come in.
We ask that if you have a fever, are sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick to please stay home and not come to the building until you have been cleared. If you have attended a church service or event and discovered afterward that you tested positive for COVID-19, please contact our office.
With our online live-stream on YouTube and Facebook each week, you can still participate in worship with us each week, or catch up on a sermon series if you miss it.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Leadership Team or Pastor Steve Weihsmann.